Sunday 25 March 2012

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Memorable quotes


Makarov: [During the arms deal in Pripyat in 1996] Yuri, wake up. Zakhaev wouldn't want you to miss this. This deal will generate millions for our cause. Money can buy many things, even power. The road to the future begins here, my friend. 
[Yuri and Makarov watch the arms deal take place, only for Zakhaev to lose his arm after being shot by Lieutenant Price from a long distance
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Friday 23 March 2012

Mass Effect 3 Memorable quotes


[from trailer]
Commander Shepard - Male: We fight or we die! That's the plan!

Commander Shepard - Male: [from trailer] There's a lot of people back on Earth dying while we gather our strengths. They're wondering if we're ever coming back; friends, family, parents and children. This isn't their fight. But they are buying us time with their lives...
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Tuesday 13 March 2012

MW1 Dead Quotes


"In war, truth is the first casualty" -Aeschylus

"Incoming fire has the right of way." -Unknown

"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind."
-John F. Kennedy

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Gears of war Quotes

Dominic Santiago: [hearing odd sound] Did you hear that? What the hell's that sound?
Marcus Fenix: It's just the wind.
Dominic Santiago: Yeah. Right. When was the last time the wind said "hostiles" to you?
Dominic Santiago: [noticing odd Locust soldier] Uhh... Those aren't drones.
Marcus Fenix: Shit... Looks like they upgraded.
Damon Baird: [on radio] They're called Theron Guards.
Dominic Santiago: You think they know what we're doing?
Marcus Fenix: Well, we're not here to sell cookies... So they know something's up.
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